Saturday, May 21, 2011

MASCOTS: Just a Costume or Apart of the Game?

Real Sports: Mascots

Mascots are defined and used for many things, whether it’s a person, animal, or object. They are thought to bring luck or a representation of a school, professional sports team, or brand name. Team’s mascots often take the form of the school’s logo and nickname. In addition, the sports world utilized mascots as marketing tools to generate revenue, fan recognition, as well as community service. As a sports fan, I never paid mascots any attention. I always saw them as entertainment for the children and over the top sports fans. However, that’s until I watched a mini documentary on HBO's Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel that I realize the seriousness and dedication that goes into being a mascot. 

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Pay to Play?

For years there have been controversies regarding the fact that college athletes are not paid to play, contributes to the many scandals of players taking money from outside sources.